Saturday, February 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
Happy Birthday Kid

AMBER 22 Years Old Today 2-18-2006

22 years ago Amber came into this World

Friday, February 17, 2006

Tree Planting

Tree Planting
Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
Cedar gives Papa a hand planting fruit trees.

Our Baby

Our Baby
Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
Here is the newest addition to our family. Spike. He is a brindle boxer and is 6 weeks old.

Lets Play Big Brother

Lets Play big brother
Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
Spike says come on RJ I think I can take you.

momma and pups

momma and pups
Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
Before coming home

Spike [Striker] and RJ

Spike [Striker] and RJ
Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
RJ gets aquainted with his new brother. I'm not sure now if I will call him Spike or Striker. He's not at all afraid of RJ. RJ is not sure he likes the idea of a new puppy in his house. The new pup is a boxer. Please ignore the dust and dirt the housekeeper has been sort of laid up for a couple of weeks..

Monday, February 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by John & Katie.
One of the simple benches you will be seeing at the pond.That blur at the bottom is RJ